90% of consumers say buying decisions are influenced by online reviews.
88% trust online reviews as much as personal referrals.
Only 14% of consumers would try a business that has a rating of 3 stars.
Enter your customer email addresses or phone numbers into Review Dash. The platform automatically sends a 1-question review survey to your customers via email or texts.
This survey acts as a review funnel. Happy customers are streamlined to your business's specific review sites. Review Dash monitors over 100+ sites in dozens of industries so we have you covered.
Our intelligent review funnel sends unhappy customers to a private form where they can share and vent their complaints. These bad reviews are NOT posted but instead sent directly to you for follow-up.
Quickly and PRIVATELY address customer satisfaction issues BEFORE they escalate or become public.
Consistently fresh reviews will boost your business higher on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Outshine your local competitors!
Get a Free Scan of Your Current ReviewsFor most businesses, Review Dash pays for itself with just ONE additional customer a month. For some offices, one additional customer can pay for an entire YEAR of Review Dash!
It's that easy and effective. So what are you waiting for?
Start getting more online reviews right now.
Plans start at only $65 a month